ok so thanks to all who actually bothered to read my fascinating blog. like i said this will most likely be the end of my blog. i hope you all have had a great time and i will continue owning in HALO
Thursday, January 28, 2010
tournament day
alright so first things first, most likely this will be my last post on this blog before it dies. unless i REALLY have nothing better to do or just so happen to remember about my blog while using the computer, i will not post on it again. ok so, today was my first competition being in the "C" division table-tennis team. although i did not really play b but iwasecause i was in the reserve team, everybody needs supporters right? we got on the bus around 12:40 pm, we then proceeded to loyang secondary school where we would be playing against dunman secondary and ngee ann secondary school. after we reached the school, we had to wait another billon "gegillion" hours before the tournament started. our first match was against dunman secondary and because the person we chose to challenge him was a DSA student(a very very very good sec 1), we breezed through our opponent easily. in the end, we thrashed dunman secondary 5-0. the next school we played against was ngee ann secondary and likewise, we totally owned them 5-0. oh yeah, i totally forgot, i went down to their canteen and they had one of the best chicken sandwhiches ever(just thought you might want to know that). anyway, like i was saying we got chased out of the hall after the tournament because we were the only school left. it was not really our fault because our bus came late. ok so that was pratically it.
Posted by jasman or a.k.a jasman at 4:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
an unsual day in school
ok so as some of you may know i am in the RSP programme in my school. it is this programme to let you understand the culture and people of South East Asia further. ok so anyway today was the secondary 1 RSP orientation day where we, the "seniors", were supposed to organise a treasure hunt thingy. but as predicted, we procrastinated the planning till like 22 minutes before the event itself, and you can imagine how organised and well-planned the event must have been. so i was put in the group in charge of traditional games and stuff but our group was not exactly the most well rehearsed in traditional malaysian/indonesian games. so for our 3 games we chose "capteh", "five stones" and "sepak takraw"(assuming i spelt all of the words correctly). we proceeded to the parade square to set up our station, but less than 2.67 minutes after we reached, the first AND second group came running hysterically. we did not really know what to do so we just asked them to play the "five stones" and "capteh" first. the first and second groups were not so bad as they were quite co-operative with us and they could play the games decently, but then came the third and fourth groups or as we like to call them "the angels". they were not only super un co-operative, but they were SUPER rude and stuck up as well. for example when we asked this particular boy to play the capteh, he told us that we could not tell him what to do as his father was a principal. we were super pissed off with him and i even wanted to tell him off but due to the fact that i was such a peace-loving and understanding boy, i let it pass. soon we were reprimanded by our teacher for kicking the "sepak takraw" like a soccer ball. i agree the first part was our fault because we did not stop the secondary 1's from playing it like soccer but after our teacher left, they continued kicking it around and even after we tried to stop them, they continued playing. somehow, just somehow i have a little feeling inside me that says this year is not going to be a super fun one.
Posted by jasman or a.k.a jasman at 4:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
the opw day
ok so for the opw project my group decided to go to my house(since it had every game console created by man)on saturday(note: this happened last week so technically they went to my house last saturday). so in the morning i went for my table tennis training as usual and after that i was supposed to meet shawn in the canteen since he had choir. we were supposed to take a cab to my house but my lovely and sexy table tennis senior decided to send me to my house since he stayed around my house as well. so the moment shawn and i touched down in my house, we swithched on my xbox 360 and played HALO. we had a 1v1, let's just say the score was not pretty for him. seriously i expected him to be quite a challenge since he played HALO quite frequently as well, but maybe that says how often i play. then ibrahim came around 1+. he just sat around and watched us play because he did not really like HALO(i don't even know how that is humanly possible).ok so we started our opw when kavin came because he was holding the thumbdrive. so we spent about 3 and a half minutes on the project and the rest of the time teasing jing lin and playing HALO. ok even if shawn was not a challenge, i genuinely expected kavin to be a better opponent since he completed the HALO story mode on legendary, the hardest level possible! BUT, guess what, even when shawn and kavin tag-teamed against me the score was 50-(a single digit number) in favour of me. of course i was happy because i could beat two regular HALO players fair and square but the thing that really made me grin was the fact that just a few months ago i was just as good as them individually, as in they could kill me and get killed by me the same number of times. but now, let's just say the outcome is a bit different. ok this concludes my post. bye to all who actually bothered to read this
Posted by jasman or a.k.a jasman at 2:37 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
something i enjoy doing alone

P.S if you want to see how awsome HALO is, just see it for yourself in the youtube thingy
Posted by jasman or a.k.a jasman at 4:32 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 21, 2010
1st blog post
ok so my first post. erm... actually today did not really have any interesting events so i would like to talk about my family barbecue last week. ok so my parents decided to host some barbecue party for cousin's 16th birthday. she is not exactly the smartest in the family in fact she is staying back for another year in her school. ok so i was literally FORCED to do some cleaning before they came. why couldn't my parents like ask me to do some food tasting instead? i am kind of more experienced in that area. ok so they came at around 3+pm i wasn't really paying attention because i was busy playing HALO( have you tried that game? it rocks) ok anyway most of my other cousins are like between 2-8 years old so the first thing they said was "abang jasman, can we go swimming" i tried to say no because i was playing HALO but you try saying no to a bunch of small cute people. so in the end i was seperated from my HALO and ended up showing everybody my magnificently slim body. after we swam for like 2 hours we started to light the barbecue pit and had to wait another 1 hour before the fire even started(cooking does not really run in the family) the first thing we did was grill some hotdogs for the kids including me, then some chicken wings and beef and followed by yucky adult food like vegetables and sambal fish. after all that we cut the cake. that was pretty much it. oh yeah than i played HALO again
Posted by jasman or a.k.a jasman at 3:07 AM 0 comments