ok so, for those who know me very well may know what i am going to say but for those who don't continue reading. As i am just a little bit, teeny weeny addicted to HALO i would say that is what i spent my free time(or maybe all the time) doing. however a lot of people(or two people rather, my mom and dad) think that HALO is a waste of time and they feel that i should be doing more "productive" stuff like exercise. why would i, the slim and fit boy i am, need exercise. however my parents think differently they say that i am "fat". ok so anyway for all you other people out there who say that HALO is just a waste of time and that all you do is hold a gun and run around , please just go back to playing your "barbie island" or whatever instead of insulting the best game in the universe(martians may play it too). you guys are not even fit to say its name. the other thing i hate is when u beat someone fair and square in the game but yet they say is because "your gun is better" or "your shield has more resistance" and the lamest one i heard so far was "i can't find you". oh my god! can't you people just stop that crap and admit to yourself that the person you are challenging is better. i am not asking you to stand in front of the mirror and call yourself a "noob" for an hour but just accept the fact that there is always someone better than you. i am also not calling myself a pro because i have met tons of people who can kick my ass in HALO(but i am also not calling myself a "noob" because i have also beaten a ton of people). but anyway all this takes practice so all those people who keep on blaming everything except themselves, you guys just need to practice. oh yeah another thing i hate, is people who claim they can beat me but honestly know nothing about HALO. people like L*E S*N. but its ok. its better to see the looks on their face when i kick thier ass then ask them to stop.this concludes my post as my butt is hurting from sitting on the chair too long.
P.S if you want to see how awsome HALO is, just see it for yourself in the youtube thingy
P.S if you want to see how awsome HALO is, just see it for yourself in the youtube thingy
and the weapon you see at the top is called a sniper rifle, my favourite weapon in HALO
because i have knocked countless number of heads off
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